Welcome traveller

This blog is very much written for my benefit. I've previously tried writing a blog, but I got bored as I had nothing particularly interesting to say. In this blog I will be mostly documenting my progress when it comes to astrophotography. There are many resources on the web for astrophotography, but crucial and useful details are often overlooked. This is a my astro-journal.

15 February 2012

Astronomy software

Getting one's ass outside to set up the telescope and actually take the images is only the first part of the process. Arguably the most time consuming aspect of astrophotography is the processing that takes place afterwards. Although, it's during that stage that the images come to life. In this post i'm going to list the various programmes I use or have come across that might be of some use. This list isn't definitive and will be updated as I find other useful programmes. As I'm generally cheap, I'm avoiding paid software and focusing Open Source programmes wherever possible... :)

Planetarium software:
SkyX First Light Edition (came with telescope)

Capture software (webcam)
Orion AmpCap

Stacking software
Registax (planets)
Avistack (planets)
DeepSkyStacker (deep sky)

Other useful tools to convert avi captures to jpgs or extract segments of video
RAD Video Tools

Image editing

Panda Batch File Renamer (rename a large batch of files e.g. jpgs)

Watch this place for updates....

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